The 7th annual shorty awards!


The shorty awards took place on the 20th of April 2015 in New York, their 7th annual awards ceremony. The Shorty awards purpose is to recognise the best creators of content on the most popular social media platforms. The awards are specific to recognising artists, athletes, comedians, parents and many other individuals in their fields that are making a big impact on the social media sites.

Here are some of the winners from the awards and a quick look at what they are contributing online.

SA@ copyMaria Popova is the creator behind social media blog “Brain picking” which brings together some of the best content on the net into one time consuming media outlet. She reads obsessively and then shares the content on her site that she finds the most interesting in an array of fields. and to date has 564K followers on her twitter page linked to her blog.

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Conan O’Brien was a well known face on the tonight show but after being replaced due to low ratings he was not allowed to appear on TV for 9 months. Within the 9 months his team of advisors launched a comprehensive media campaign that focused on keeping his face current and relevant to avoid people forget about him. What followed was a cumulative following of 1.7 million twitter followers by the time he returned to the screen.

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Better know for his screen name PewDiePie, Felix has created hundreds of videos on his youtube channel “let’s play”. The channel features Felix playing games whilst filming himself and providing commentary as well as reviews of games and gaming consoles. The Swedish blogger has a a 37 million strong following on his channels with many of his videos reaching viral status.

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Marala Scott was an abuse victim from that age of five years old, which she suffered at the hands of her father. Marala has now turned her life around and uses her sad experiences to provide hope and strength to other victims. She is motivational speaker and author who caught Oprah’s attention and now features as one of her “ambassadors of hope” to support abuse victims. She has a twitter following of 143 thousand.

All the winners have been commended for effectively spreading their message on social media. They have been able to use social media to their full advantage, growing their name and spreading their message.

Who are your favourite social media personalities? comment below.

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