How to use a hashtag and some things to avoid

Hand showing hashtag notification concept on blue background

The hashtag has been named as the ‘children’s word of the year’- Oxford University press

A lot of social media campaigns now feature a relevant hashtag that enables internet users to be directed to their posts that include this hashtag if they search that brand or the same words used in the hashtag, allowing them to join the conversation. To a average person, the hashtag is just a series of words that have been chosen because they are relevant to the the product being marketed, But its not the case. Marketers make a lot of decisions about their communications messages for a specify purpose and to ensure the best effect. There are some common should do and common should avoids when choosing what is the best hashtag for your campaign. Trawling though  few informative pegs have combined the top 2 things I believe are important when selecting your hashtag and some common errors that ca be observed from failed hashtags.

2 things to DO!

  1. Make your hashtag specific to your brand, and no one else’s
    There are so many hashtags now online that if the one chosen for your marketing campaign is too generic, it will not differentiate itself from any other images or concepts that internet users view online. The purpose of a hashtag is being able to direct the attention of the potential consumer from the media you provide them with back to your brand. If consumers cannot identify what brand that is then your marketing will have little to no effect.
  2. Make your hashtag transferable between campaigns
    Hashtags can generate great followings if well done and can provide consumers a great chance to contribute to the brand by using them. Therefore, it is important to decide on a hashtag that can be continually associated with the brand in the future. #givesyouwings, the promotional hashtag for Red Bull has remained the same since the brand began to spread it message online using the tag. Keeping it consistent avoids consumers having to keep up with the changes and accumulates a following that can be maintained.

2 Things to AVOID!

  1. Avoid #makingyourhastagtoolongsonoonecnnbebotheredusingit
    Hashtags need to be functional, customers have to be able to place it in their own posts and join the conversation that the marketers of that brand are trying to generate. A long drawn out hashtag does not have the short sharp impact of a well chosen hashtag. It is far less memorable as there are too many words to process.
  2. Avoid #hashtagging #too #much
    It is a common error for people promoting brands to use too many hashtags in their posts. As stated in the Do’s of hash tagging, they need to be specific. Having too many hashtags of each element related to your core concept takes away from what it is that your trying to convey. You loose the strength of promoting a message to be understood and contributed to.It also often looks to desperate for followers and can attract the wrong type of followers who are just after followers themselves.


2 thoughts on “How to use a hashtag and some things to avoid

  1. Really good advice, especially about keeping hashtags simple and transferable between campaigns to keep the momentum going!


    1. Thanks Patrick, with it’s usage being s widespread now I think it can be easy to forget that it still needs to be done right and done well to get the desired impact.


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